Tuesday, April 29, 2008

sunway tour ^^ yeaH !!!

early in de morning we gather at our school, soon leave to sunway college 。yo, we took de big BAs go there, of cause, only science class student . 有两辆bas 去,去的时候健伟的爱在bas车上被接穿了。很像叫做''kA?M?n''. aftertat reach there about after 20 minute ,we walk like de king straight walk into auditorium.at there many LeNglui jIe JIe ..;]. in de room teacher do some career planing for us ,sing sang song n a phyco nigel really have fun ther4.. theres a question like -do you feel nerveous when someone see you naked , nigel answer is ''not at all''...
aftertat we visit e college ,there r science lab,classroom,library,lecture theatre... in e end we eat nasi lemak at caferia n courtyard there...then we took pic many many pic at outside there ,a pretty girl n a 'looks like' yang zhong wei e handsome boy lead us,i saw my cousin 2..
after taking manY Many pic at last e bus come , before leaving we give flying kiss 2 e leader n 'yang zhong wei take e flying kiss throw 2 e floor n step it,but e kiss belong 2 nigel-phyco..
之后我们心情依依不舍的离开了,but i rEally have fUn thEre^^ Makes mE WaN 2 STUDy HarD..']

Saturday, April 26, 2008


只想在一个雨天 找个落脚的地方
找了很久 都还是找不到一个能让我宁静的地方
放下了身段 我尝试 改变环境
失败和成功 就在你手中的选择
吵杂声漠糊了我的眼睛 现在我很难做出决定
没了也一样 有了也不差
心中有快乐 最重要

今天去koko kursus,碰到不讲理的依勤,排队拿票时她插队,ok 还不用紧因为队排到很长,应该到我拿票时, 她不给我过,还叫她后面的马来女生朋友顶住我的去路,她竟然配合她,而且还是不认识的,就因为依勤叫她一声'kawan',结果两个人很像很开心酱看我过不去... haizz, 不用紧啦,反正我的到霉运就要走完了,再忍忍吧...
the kursus haven end yet me edi leave,because nid to play basletball ma ;],then we go molek 3 de court n play ... the sun is 2 hot,as usual i will not play but i play now cause i think if we dun play now we will have no more time 2 play in the future lor ... in the end , i become black as usual,but de time will heal my colour bac,same as other things....
回到家很热,guitar tec 说他没空不能来,so my lesson is cancel... then i sleep , 睡不下,醒来了就写blog.. 等下要去吃火锅,哈哈,要去进赚了^^ 费猫刚好和他朋友也有去,要看他在那里搞笑了....= =

Friday, April 25, 2008


刚练完球,宇杨也有下来,练到超累,4-4 打全场最累,带球被罚pumping 5下,lose ball pumping 2下,我跟森安石头减刀布每次都是我输,宇杨对废猫,敬恒对智超,永权对阿bi .
练完后费猫太搞笑了,一只说要去bengkok,结果被我们aruba...残(- =) . 关灯了,他们去喝茶然后去打game ,而我只能回家,因为每次都没带到钱...明天还有koko 6.30 a.m 就要醒了....
今天放学后去吃kfc,我跟书杰像傻子酱冲去霸位,那里太多学生了 ,不懂谁把nigel beg hide at 天台there ,after eating nigel go take his beg , unfortunatelly we lock him outside,then all de customer watch ''de monkey at zoo'' he promote the kfc softdrink-pepsi at his 'park'

4月的 6个7

1-球衣号码-7(没奖) 9-4-08

2-华文阅读报告-(第7篇) 13-4-08

3-华文一日营 第7组-7 (冠军)19-4-08

4-Lk 时有一个女生座我那个座子 -7(hutang bayaran)21-4-08


6-kokurikulum de bola keranjang kursus-7(贴在班公式窗口)25-4-08

I BET IS 'luCky NUmber 7' conclusion- 7 围绕着我

'07'-12-1991 also my birthday wor!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


爱情是个很怪的东西,no matter how much effort u put, 至到牺牲了友情,但是到最后,结果你都必须接受,不能说你是我拿定了,因为到最后她还是会属于别人...
健伟家好远,走到我要晕了@-@ ... ps2 - winnig eleven ,我们争第一,他不是盖的,竟然(bra)6-1(mu)大胜,不过也难怪 我一年才能练一段时间,离今天也有四个月了,xixixi ^-* , let him win nvm la, but
nid 2 call him winning eleven王wor ..shit!!...
long time ago i never touch dota lor, i replace to writing blog so tat i can never play dota again^^ uss
[tmrw tuition we go eat kfc lor ] hahaha, finally open,but i bet we will see most of my fren there.. 不过喉咙有点痛,座我隔壁那个咯,带了一包‘咸梅‘来,害我连吃了4粒。够难吃的咯,呵呵,最好别给他看到这个;]

Wednesday, April 23, 2008



suddenly i have some feeling 2 write blog..so i do it..

last year ,諾言 不能亂 說 ,說了必定实践 ,就算不能实践 但也应尝试继续
我感觉不到认何东西 除了你说的话 听着你细细说着 但做的却是另外一个东西
以我的观察 放手最好 。。轻轻听着你破碎的声音。。。

11,10 pm
juz come bac from jusco, watching de movie 'the forbbidon kingdom''
在那里看到了泳权他们,啊鸿,智曹还有阿鸡。。 haizz 要关电脑了,shit##
不过那个电影蛮搞笑的;] 23 -APRIL-2008 (my 1st blog)